Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Critical Investigation First Draft Feedback

WWW: Knowledgeable about your topic with a range of quite detailed online research.

  • Some good wider contexts incorporated
  • Some good references to institution
  • A strong sense of argument throughout with a convincing conclusion (although still needs improving)

EBI: Shorter paragraphs. Don't use "I" in an essay   

  • Provide some detailed textual analysis of a specific scene from a violent game, using media language terminology.
  • Research + Explain the theory of desensitisation.
  • Include details about the size of the video game industry - its profits + its growth.
  • You need at least EIGHT more books in works cited.
  • Provide examples of moral panics in the media about video games with actual quotes. (Look in the Daily Mail)
  • Include more on audience theories -explaining them and applying them to your issue (U&G, Gratifications, Reception Theory, Hypodermic Model, Copycat, etc)

Page 2:

WWW: Good textual analysis.
EBI: Check Vocabulary and Spelling. 
  • Sentences are too long at times. 
  • The paragraph is too long.
  • Link to relevant debates regarding video gaming. 
  • Moral Panics 
  • Effect of globalisation

Page 3: 

WWW: Excellent use of media terminology and theory!
You have presented an equal description across a majority of MIGRAIN concepts.

EBI: You could've talked about the hypodermic needle model.
Introduce actual evidence of audience being desensitised.

Page 4:

WWW: All aspects of SHEP are covered very well, especially the impact video games have socially, political.

EBI: Perhaps link to more Historical and Economic factors regarding the video games industry.

Page 5:

WWW: In your conclusion, you talk about your overall idea about your overall idea about what the influence of violent video games has on people. 

EBI: You could still include some theories, for example, Dyers Theory on stereotypes.

  • Audience or Narrative Theories

Bibliography Feedback: 

  • Books must come first and in alphabetical order.
  • Publisher details missing in some of the sources.
  • The format isn't consistent throughout.
  • Book title needs to be italic in books cited rather than underlined. 
  • Moving Text doesn't include relevant information. Only displays the link.
  • Format of Footnotes are sometimes inaccurate

Monday, 20 February 2017

Critical Investigation Draft #2

“Which means I'm gonna kill you, chop off your heads, and piss down your necks!”[1]
To what extent do contemporary video game texts such as "Battlefield Hardline" represent violence in a more explicit manner and should we be concerned?

Battlefield Hardline is the Cops v Robbers first person shooter that was developed by Visceral and published by EA. This would be Visceral’s first attempt at creating a battlefield game as they are generally known for the Dead Space series and this would be considered a theme shift considering that “Dead Space” is known as a third-person horror shooter. Although it wasn’t as well received as its predecessor Battlefield 4 which was developed by DICE, EA was still happy with the sales that Battlefield Hardline had. This could be due to the fact that it was leading the sales for video games in March 2015 . This essay will cover the violence that an audience is exposed to when playing violent video games such as the Battlefield franchise and depict whether or not the violence is being presented in a more explicit manner and whether the audience should be concerned. The main topic that will be explored is the moral panics that these games generate. To enforce this idea “children said 17 years ago “war is shit” . This could highlight the desensitisation that an audience would have towards their exposure to violent content. However, this opinion with children has changed over time as “children enjoying killing”  in the modern day. 
To begin by looking into changes of opinion, the first topic that will be covered is the first moral panic that was centred on violence which made video games appear in a negative light with many news outlets reporting this moral panic. “Death Race” was the video game adaptation of the film “Death Race 2000” (1975) starring Sylvester Stallone. This arcade variation of the film sees the player use their vehicle to road kill what was supposed to be gremlins. During this time it was considered very controversial for games to make the player kill human-like targets. So, therefore, during this time it would be games like “Doom” that would put the player in hell and make them take on hellish creatures which would justify why the player is killing them. However in “Death Race”, the game was controversial because the enemy targets that were meant to be gremlins ended up looking very familiar to humans. As well as “Death Race”, another video game that had ended up stirring controversy in the news was “Mortal Kombat”. Although in the present day it is known for its brutality with the gory graphics of fighters finishing their opponents in very unusual ways such as ripping their spine out, this content at the time was considered very mature. This is mainly because of this title being a home console version of the game that video games would introduce an age rating with the ESRB being their main use for rating games. As said with “"Age classification originating from the home console distribution of Mortal Kombat" . On the contrary, the ESRB didn’t prevent the video game controversy as another title that was banned in certain areas of the world due to its explicit manner was Manhunt back in 2003. This would even relate to recent events with gamers exploiting games to do controversial activities in “Grand Theft Auto V” where people can modify the game to torture and kill officers that are based on real life police rather than the fictional police department of LSPD .
However, the current day of video games would present violence but not as violent as Manhunt. The text that will be analysed would be Battlefield Hardline. This is the video game that would have gun violence as its centre stage for showcasing its sense of entertainment to the audience. The first section of the game that would be discussed is the campaign or story mode. This would follow the narrative of Nick Mendoza that the players take the first person perspective view of controlling him.  The game and its genre show that the gun is the most prominent choice of entertainment throughout the whole game. The first time that the players get to control their characters they are already wielding and pointing guns at suspects which can suggest that the game’s intent way of playing the game shows that firearms are acceptable. However could this mean that the audience would already be influenced to go and purchase a gun from a store? This point can already be disagreed with the fact that “Violent juvenile crime in the US reached a peak in 1993 and has declined ever since” . This decline in crime could suggest that this can be seen as a new form of escapism in modern day. This would be because “playing violent video games do not solely depend on the content”  to understand why they’re be The camera shots that are present in the game would also take inspiration from other crime dramas  which would explain the criticism that would come from the lack of creativity or uniqueness in the way that shots are composed and how each mission would be called Episodes which can present how there would be some form of familiarity. This would factor into the sense of nostalgia for games that would try and deliver the message that the story of the campaign wouldn’t be one of the main aspects of the game. This would mainly be because 9f the promotional material that would mainly highlight the multiplayer aspect that which is the main game mode that the audience of this game would play. As well as what the game would connote, the ideologies that are present in this game would show off redemption with the character of Nick Mendoza and highlights that violence can be used as a mean to end the problem. Violence wouldn’t be considered a problem solver towards real life as it would think to cause more problems. However the campaign highlights the rewarding aspects of gunning your way down to the end of the problem highlighting that violence would be a means of both entertainment and journey for the protagonist. This would mainly be because the conclusion of the story presents the protagonist with a questionable ending as to whether he takes the gold vault or not. This would play with the morality of the game as it would show an ex-police officer as he goes out his way to try and gain vengeance for putting him down to imprisonment. This would appear to present the Marxist view of the upper class taking in the role of a supreme or high status. However this is contradicted as the protagonist would be willing to break into the house of a rich criminal. This would be set after he broke out of the Prison Bus and is labelled a fugitive who has to go hiding. The fact that the game embraces this sense of excitement with the characters as they would go through action set pieces of shooting galleries can show that the audience are exposed to violence. However the first person shooter genre is known for its audience of young players this quote would say that “The fact is that media violence primes children to see killing as acceptable” . This would therefore be applied to Battlefield Hardline since it would present how people would be desensitised to the violence that it presented in video games. Battlefield Hardline belongs to the First Person Shooter genre. This would be emphasised with the sense iconography of the handgun being presented with the front cover character holding it. In this case it would highlight the action that players would be going into. As well as that it will also include the gameplay trailers that had highlighted the genre further with the players seen as killing each other in close quarters combat. Especially considering that there would also be another known attribute towards the fact that “Violent video games increase aggressive thoughts and behaviour” . This quote could highlight how this genre may have a negative impact on an audience. The representation of violence in this game would present in in a partially glorified manner. This wouldn’t glorify the violence to the extent that both Manhunt and Mortal Kombat since these two games had stirred controversy. However that isn’t to say that this game would also have controversy with representation. Battlefield Hardline has also had some controversy with its theme of Cops v Robbers. Portraying the game on a theme like that would present to the audience that they would’ve had to make sure that it would still sell and be successful.  However since the time of promoting Hardline and the Ferguson Shooting  was very close, this would mean that there would be some complication with the sales of the game. This would present how the genre can gain some sense of controversy. However this didn’t entirely stop the success as a report from GameSpot had said that EA is "Very Happy" With Battlefield Hardline Sales . This could present that the audience are in fact desensitised to the violence that is present in the real world. The audience of this game would mainly consist of a male dominated population of players that would mainly play the game for action that is within the game. This would be because of the fact that “The top 5 selling games in the UK in 2013 are further proof that this trend is global, with 4 of the top 5 being from the action and/or shooter genre” . In this case it would also highlight how there is a potential for violent content to be desensitised for a mass majority of others that could highlight the interest in the market being dominated by sales of the action genre. Although this list was constructed back at 2013, it can still be argued that the violent games that have been featured above that can suggest how the audience would much prefer to engage in violent content by controlling their character to do it which can introduce a form of escapism for the audience that would let them do violent acts without the consequences. This would be because of the fact that “games involving violence, particularly "first-person shooters" and fighting games, have always been important in gaming culture” . This can heighten how these games change over time creating a zeitgeist for the modern age of violent video games. This can link to the hypodermic model as players are now consuming violent video games without worrying about the criticisms of today. In this contrary to the controversy of roadkill in Death Race in which the action was considered very gruesome with human like people being run over by the player, Hardline rewards the player for killing enemies. This would be because “mature video games often justified acts of graphic gun violence”  in this case as players playing at either side of the law. There is a bonus 20 points for killing the enemy by running them over. This can present the change in the judgement of videogames further as it would highlight the potential for the games to become more gruesome but not to the extent that Manhunt has done. This would be because in the modern day “Only 27 percent of video games contained socially acceptable aggression, line violence in a sports game”   Since "2003 game Manhunt presented controversy for the due to its level of graphic violence" . 
Other games that have been considered alongside Battlefield Hardline would be games such as the Call of Duty franchise. This would be Battlefield’s main competitor and even they have had controversial backlash surrounding their games. In this case, it would be in Call of Duty’s No Russian Mission from Modern Warfare 2. This had put the player into the perspective of an undercover agent performing a terror attack. The controversial part would be that it put the player in the perspective of killing innocent lives . This would present the negative setbacks of what the game would have resulted in the big controversies around the media and gaming. Media outlets such as the Daily Mail had seen this as an outrage even though gamers are aware that this mission can be skipped presenting the fact that Infinity Ward, the developers of Modern Warfare 2, understood the negative backlash that would come for this game. The negativity in the video game industry has still got that sense of negative criticism the games even if they would have an association with violence. In this case outlets such as the guardian have given a concerning view of the recent Battlefield game Battlefield 1 .  In this, it has said that the game wouldn’t show the ugly side of the war but rather present the action that has always been in there. However, since this was set prior to the release of the game they have later changed their mind and over time accepted what Battlefield 1 has become . In this case, it has praised Battlefield 1 for what it was.
In conclusion, audiences shouldn’t be very worried about what a gamer would play. This would mainly be because these games would serve as a way for people to live out their violent fantasies. Since there is no link between violent video games and violent behaviour, although he acknowledged it is difficult to prove a link in an experimental setting" . This could suggest that there isn’t truly a way to prove that games would turn people into killers. In that sense, there would be millions of players  committing crimes to this day if the statement is true. This, however, isn’t the case. This would further reinforce that video games are just another platform for entertainment and not a gateway towards a more violent lifestyle. Video games get a lot of controversy over the same accusations that films may get but games would be it worse only because a player controls the action of the character that they play as. As an ending statement, the only thing that would need to be said is that video games are for entertainment. An audience shouldn’t be concerned because games get more violent but rather concerned about themselves considering they purchased the copy of the recent violent video game. It is the responsibility of the player to not behave in a violent matter. Although it can be argued that it has made players desensitised, it still shouldn’t be something to be concerned about but rather embraced. People don’t see the harm of violent content on TV and Film, then why can’t games be excused of the same thing.

Works Cited

Internet Links

Battlefield Hardline takes arresting lead in UK sales charts -http://metro.co.uk/2015/03/23/battlefield-hardline-takes-arresting-lead-in-uk-sales-charts-5116403/
Battlefield Hardline Trailer/Box Art Causes Controversy in Wake of Ferguson Shooting- http://www.craveonline.com/entertainment/797623-battlefield-hardline-trailerbox-art-causes-controversy-wake-ferguson-shooting 
EA "Very Happy" With Battlefield Hardline Sales - http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ea-very-happy-with-battlefield-hardline-sales/1100-6427131/
Storm over Call of Duty game that allows players to massacre civilians-http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1226588/Call-Duty-Political-storm-brutal-video-game-allows-killing-civilians-airport-massacre.html
Battlefield 1: is it wrong to set a war game in the trenches of the first world war? -https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/may/12/battlefield-war-game-first-world-war 
Battlefield 1 review – savage and exciting, a landmark shooter- https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/oct/25/battlefield-1-review-ea-dice-shooter 
Do video games lead to criminal behaviour - http://www.cbsnews.com/news/do-violent-video-games-lead-to-criminal-behavior/
BATTLEFIELD 1 BETA HAD 13.2 MILLION PLAYERS- http://uk.ign.com/articles/2016/09/15/battlefield-1-beta-had-132-million-players

Books Cited
Goldstein, J. H., Buckingham, D., & Brougère, G. (2004). Toys, games, and media. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates.
Cantor, J. (2009). Grand theft childhood: The surprising truth about violent video games and what parents can do - by Lawrence Kutner & Cheryl Olson. Journal of Communication, 59(1), 199-200. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2008.01411_8.x

Taller, T. (2002). Research on the effects of media violence. Vancouver, B.C.: British Columbia Film Classification.

Rogers, R. (2016). How video games impact players: The pitfalls and benefits of a gaming society. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Happ, C., & Melzer, A. (2014). Empathy and violent video games: Aggression and prosocial behavior. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Works Consulted

Internet Links
Battlefield: Hardline Is A Bad Idea, DICE Said In 2011 - CINEMABLEND
Battlefield Hardline: How Real-World Police Controversies Affected Development
@GameSpot - http://www.gamespot.com/articles/battlefield-hardline-how-real-world-police-controv/1100-6425198/
Battlefield Hardline Trailer/Box Art Causes Controversy in Wake of Ferguson Shooting - CraveOnline
@paultamburro - http://www.craveonline.com/entertainment/797623-battlefield-hardline-trailerbox-art-causes-controversy-wake-ferguson-shooting/
Soldier Cops Aren't So Fun Now, Video Games
Luke Plunkett - http://kotaku.com/soldier-cops-are-giving-games-like-battlefield-an-image-1620511782
Battlefield Hardline Review - IGN
Brian Albert - http://uk.ign.com/articles/2015/03/17/battlefield-hardline-review
Battlefield: Hardline review | TrustedReviews
Stuart Andrews - http://www.trustedreviews.com/battlefield-hardline-review
Battlefield: Hardline – is it a problem to play war as a cop?
Connecticut school massacre: Adam Lanza 'spent hours playing Call Of Duty’
Barney Henderson - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9752141/Connecticut-school-massacre-Adam-Lanza-spent-hours-playing-Call-Of-Duty.html
Report links violent media, mental health and guns to mass shootings
By Truman Lewis A former reporter and bureau chief for broadcast outlets and magazines, Truman Lewis has covered presidential campaigns, state politics and stories ranging from organized crime to environmental protection.  Read Full Bio→Email Truman Lewis  Phone: 866-773-0221Google+ - https://www.consumeraffairs.com/news/report-links-violent-media-mental-health-and-guns-to-mass-shootings-021413.html
So what DO violent video games do to a child's brain? Psychologist explains how gun-filled games make kids think it is ok to be aggressive
Brad Conversation - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3709666/So-violent-video-games-child-s-brain-Psychologist-explains-gun-filled-games-make-kids-think-ok-aggressive.html
Are Video Games Actually Desensitizing Us To Violence?
Keith Vaz urges tighter controls on violent video games
Keith Stuart - https://www.theguardian.com/technology/gamesblog/2012/may/03/keith-vaz-controls-violent-video-games

Video games are not making us more violent, study shows
Keith Stuart - https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/nov/10/video-games-violent-study-finds
Violent video games research: consensus or confusion? | Pete Etchells & Chris Chambers
Pete Etchells-Chris Chambers - https://www.theguardian.com/science/head-quarters/2014/oct/10/violent-video-games-research-consensus-or-confusion
What is the link between violent video games and aggression? | Pete Etchells
Pete Etchells - https://www.theguardian.com/science/head-quarters/2013/sep/19/neuroscience-psychology
Cage, F., Dance, G., & Chen, G. (2013). Violence and guns in best-selling video games – interactive. Retrieved December 06, 2016, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/interactive/2013/apr/30/violence-guns-best-selling-video-games
Violent Video Games: Specific Effects of Violent Content on Aggressive Thoughts and Behavior. (n.d.). http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0065260104360041
Media Psychology. (n.d.).
Media violence and children: A complete guide for parents and professionals. (2004). Choice Reviews Online, 42(01). doi:10.5860/choice.42-0622

Lachlan, Kenneth A., and Erin K. Maloney. "Game Player Characteristics and Interactive Content: Exploring the Role of Personality and Telepresence in Video Game Violence." Communication Quarterly 56.3 (2008): 284-302. Web
Moving Texts

Carlsen, R., & Willis, D. A. (2007). Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference annual: March 26-30, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Chesapeake, Va: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Ferguson, C. J. (2007). The Good, The Bad and the Ugly: A Meta-analytic Review of Positive and Negative Effects of Violent Video Games. Psychiatric Quarterly, 78(4), 309-316. doi:10.1007/s11126-007-9056-9
Grossman, D., & DeGaetano, G. (2014). Stop teaching our kids to kill: A call to action against TV, movie, and video game violence. New York: Harmony Books.
Nakaya, A. C. (2014). Thinking Critically: Video games and violence. San Diego: ReferencePoint Press.
Netzley, P. D. (2015). Video games, violence, and crime. San Diego, CA: ReferencePoint Press.

Media Magazine
MM40 Page 16 Play, Pleasure, Panics

Monday, 6 February 2017

MEST4 Linked production: Research and planning

1) Confirm your production brief. You write this yourself but it's absolutely crucial this is clear, appropriate and achievable. You should have done this already
  • Create a 3 minute music video that is completely different to the current music video, however fits with the theme and genre of the music.

2) Research: detailed notes on at least THREE texts similar to what you are creating. What are the key conventions? What can you learn/borrow from the examples you have looked at?

Official Music (going to be used for the official Linked Production): Harlem Spartans (Blanco, Zico, Bis, TG Millian, MizorMac) - Call Me A Spartan


The camera angles used in this music video are key. These are all conventions that standard grime music videos as there is a lot of hand held shots (all of it is hand held). Furthermore, the aesthetical look is very good in terms of matching the style of what a grime video should look like 9in terms of actors).

The camera movement is what I will take away from this production, as it really fits in to the concept of a 'grime' music video. In typical music video's (like the ones mentioned below), all carry this key concept, showing that it is a vital requirement for such music genre, as opposed to the clean and sharp video quality for films.


The entire chirography of the video is so good! Even the visual element of the video is very nice in terms of capturing the grime aspect as well as mixing it with very colourful aesthetic. The use of fireworks and unique style is something I will definitely consider for the actual linked production.

We plan to have a shot inside of a car/vehicle, and in this video there is also a shot of a group on men inside a vehicle. The reason this is significant is because, it gives a better insight in the shot angles and the visual element of what our version of that scene will look like. It doesn't break the 180 degree rule, until the camera angle shifts. 


What makes this video so good is the the lighting used to capture this footage during the night. The time of day I plan to record will be at night, and therefore this means that lighting is key. The way that Kaylum Dennis (visuals) captured the shot is very well done, as it gives off a cinematic look, that other videos don't show. 

In addition, the editing element of this video is key. The way that the video cuts according to the music playing behind, is what typically all grime music videos have. I builds this equal wall between the editing and the video itself, not putting the audience member off. As seen in this video, as Yungen is rapping, there is a ripple sound effect which causes the screen to glitch black every time that beat drops.


The props used in this video are things that I will definitely consider. The use of the mask is something that will match my critical investigation as well as capturing the dark tone within this music video. The video links more to my side of the critical investigation. 

Moreover, the way in which this video gets away with no one actually being seen to be rapping (all is done behind the mask) is the exact type of concept my and my group are looking for. There will probably be too much problems with lip syncing, and this is a great alternative. It helps to deliver the same concept and theme, as well as stay true to the original genre of the music; grime. 

3) Project schedule: when will you shoot and edit this production? Make this a week-by-week schedule leading up to Easter. Key dates: we break up for Easter on Friday 31 March and the final deadline is Wednesday 19 April.
  • February Half term- first shooting day 2 days)
  • Weekends onward depending on what needs to be shot
4) Script - see the BBC Writers' Room for advice/script formatting. If you're making a music video, you'll want to write a treatment instead. This is an example treatment that I provide for GCSE Media students studying this topic. 

Scene 1- A woman with a gas mask (light-up) enters the scene where she begins to walk

The camera is moving in the same direction that the female character is walking in. The idea is to keep the character in the middle of the shot, therefore the camera has to move to ensure this. She is wearing an LED gas mask and walks in an abandoned tunnel.

Scene 2- Two more characters appear on both dies of the female character and begin to walk across the room

The camera follows the movement of the female, until the shadows of the other two come in to the shot. There seems to be a person approaching the characters.

Scene 3- All three characters are holding a flaming torch and walk

Each character (with their masks on) have a lit torch in their hands and continue to walk. There is a slight cut in between their movement to give pace to the scene.

Scene 5- Music artist is rapping the main music on the streets towards the camera

The artist is moving his arms around in pace with the music beat, and is mimicking the music that plays over the music video

Scene 6- A figure in the distant (cannot see him/her) as the camera moves, we see that they have thrown a large object behind them.

The character seems to be angry/frustrated, which is why they throw a large object (brick) behind them. The camera moves, in order to displace the optical flare and give the audience more of a visual element to work with, they get to see a slight glimpse of the character.

Scene 7- The brick hits a bunch of pipes, and crumbles once it meets impact with them.

The impact of the bricks on the pipes leaves the brick to crumble and break apart, and essentially the editing has slowed down the shot to make it more aesthetically pleasing.

Scene 8-  A character is seen throwing another brick behind him, where it hits a barrier gate.

The character has thrown an object behind him in to a barred gate, and as he/she does so, the camera speeds up to reveal the face of the character (who is seen to be wearing a red LED) mask.

Scene 9- We see the three main characters continue their journey with flamed torch in their hands.

The camera is positioned directly in front of them (most likely captured by a gimbal), and tracks backwards as the characters move in the same direction as the camera is.

Scene 10- We see two of the three characters, however the one in red is seen to be hitting something with a weapon.

The character in the red LED mask is seen to have a lethal weapon in his hand as he is constantly hitting an object, which is later revealed to be a brick.

Scene 1- A man is standing, glancing at his phone while on his phone

The character is glancing at his phone, while the camera swings around him. Until, the character breaks the fourth wall and looks directly at the camera after the camera completes its 180 degree turn. There is an edit of fast pace in order to give that shock to the viewer when the character looks at the camera.

Scene 2- Main character uses his hand gestures to make the camera man follow him, and approaches a group of young men, who are too, hidden in masks.

The character breaks the fourth wall again, and gestures to the audience to follow him. He then approaches a group of 4 other people who are also wearing masks. There is a glitch effect clashing with the scene to give it a more grime aesthetic.

Scene 3- The main character approaches the group, and they stand their in a circle.

The character approaches, and the character with a skeleton mask nods his head. The camera moves across behind all of the characters to show all of them line up in a circular formation.

Scene 4- The music artist is rapping the music at a bride/crater location

We see the main artist of the video rap the music video at a crater yard. The camera dips down, to allow the chance of a multi-coloured raze/glitch effect to occur, giving it that classical grime feel.

Scene 5- We see a brief glimpse at one of the members removing their mask, with purple smoke emerging from the side

We see a member pull off his mask for a brief second, and as we do, there is purple smoke emerging from the side. There is a white spark effect that goes across the screen the essentially make the scene even more quicker.

Scene 6- The main character is standing idle as the camera swoops in

The main character is standing in the centre of the frame, as the camera swoops closer to him, to make him visible in full frame.

Scene 7- The main artist is rapping for a brief time, until he gets replaced by the skull character

The camera swings left in order to transition the character to the skull character. There is also use of a multi-coloured glitch effect that essentially aids the transition even further making it cleaner and much more professional.

Scene 8- Skull character remains idle during this scene

The camera swoops to the right where we see the skull character remain idle again, however the camera is swifting from side to side, keeping the character in shot.

Scene 9- We finally see the skull character reveal himself to be the actual artist at the beginning of the video

The artist is rapping in the middle amongst other members (where they are idle), and camera moves slightly around them.

Scene 10- Main character is seen dancing before the camera

The character is seen dancing while the camera follows his movements up and down, as well as shaking the camera footage to give it a more dramatic effect.

5) Sketching and drafting - for video-based productions this means astoryboard - sheets available in DF07 or you can print out your own AQA storyboard sheet. For print productions, this means detailed sketches of all your pages.

6) Shot list - use Microsoft Word or a template like this to help you. Remember, you need a shot list whether you are filming or carrying out a print photoshoot - professional quality original images are essential if you want to reach the top level.

7) Mise-en-scene: casting/model details, costume and make-up, props, lighting, location scouting for video productions etc. Use photographs to document and plan your mise-en-scene - using your phone is acceptable for this.


  • Jeans
  • Image result for joggers
  • Hoodies
Image result for adidas jumper
  • Masks
Image result for joker smile tattoo
  • Gloves
Image result for adidas gloves
  • Bandanas
Image result for bandanas
  • Reflector
  • Light x2
  • Street lights
  • Car lights
  • In front of an estate
  • On street
  • Inside a car/vehicle
  • Gun (replica obviously)
Image result for replica gun
  • Alcohol bottle
Image result for bacardi

Friday, 3 February 2017

MM Trip Notes

How to be creative - 7 tips from the Front Line

  • Volunteering - It could benefit you in unexpected ways. 
  • No one comes from nowhere: Media portrays this as the new thing.
  • Beachcombing: A 7 Step guide towards being creative.
  • Don't wait to be invited to the dance? - Be determined in trying out new opportunities.
  • The day you finish what do you do? 

Chucklefish Games

  • Producer: Leadership with commanding people.
  • Long Road 
  • Indie Games: Developers with varying time of experience.
  • Competitions create opportunities.
  • Joining as many competitions could potentially get your name out there until someone recognises something good in you.

Sports Journalism

  • Find new information
  • Be prepared
  • Believe in yourself
  • Be yourself
  • Diversity could show new perspectives.
  • Stay true to your own values.
Young Filmmakers' Panel
  • NTFS
  • Opportunities take people to new prospects.
  • Learn from mistakes
  • Never be a perfectionist
  • The sound isn't always good.
  • BFI Competitions
Young People, Media and Democracy
  • Organisations control the media
  • Increased gap between the wealthy and the poor.
  • Democracy through writing to the organisation (Tweets to the organisation regarding their concerns)
  • Campaigns E-Participation Events
  • Family/friends grow into the political values.
  • Reading more means you're more democratic.
  • Media presents stereotypes 
  • Young Youth mainly identified as negative.
  • Those who don't have access to the internet are considered a minority.
An Audience with Tony Garnett
  • Narrative based on his life
  • He seemed to represent real life characters on the big screen.
  • Headlines with incomplete stories - Clickbait
  • Fake News
  • Someone's idea of the news may mean that some stories aren't worthy because of political views and will most likely read about stories that meet their political views.
  • Fake news was spread on both sides of the Brexit.